Source code for camelot.parsers.lattice

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import sys
import copy
import locale
import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .base import BaseParser
from ..core import Table
from ..utils import (
from ..image_processing import (
from ..backends.image_conversion import BACKENDS

logger = logging.getLogger("camelot")

[docs]class Lattice(BaseParser): """Lattice method of parsing looks for lines between text to parse the table. Parameters ---------- table_regions : list, optional (default: None) List of page regions that may contain tables of the form x1,y1,x2,y2 where (x1, y1) -> left-top and (x2, y2) -> right-bottom in PDF coordinate space. table_areas : list, optional (default: None) List of table area strings of the form x1,y1,x2,y2 where (x1, y1) -> left-top and (x2, y2) -> right-bottom in PDF coordinate space. process_background : bool, optional (default: False) Process background lines. line_scale : int, optional (default: 15) Line size scaling factor. The larger the value the smaller the detected lines. Making it very large will lead to text being detected as lines. copy_text : list, optional (default: None) {'h', 'v'} Direction in which text in a spanning cell will be copied over. shift_text : list, optional (default: ['l', 't']) {'l', 'r', 't', 'b'} Direction in which text in a spanning cell will flow. split_text : bool, optional (default: False) Split text that spans across multiple cells. flag_size : bool, optional (default: False) Flag text based on font size. Useful to detect super/subscripts. Adds <s></s> around flagged text. strip_text : str, optional (default: '') Characters that should be stripped from a string before assigning it to a cell. line_tol : int, optional (default: 2) Tolerance parameter used to merge close vertical and horizontal lines. joint_tol : int, optional (default: 2) Tolerance parameter used to decide whether the detected lines and points lie close to each other. threshold_blocksize : int, optional (default: 15) Size of a pixel neighborhood that is used to calculate a threshold value for the pixel: 3, 5, 7, and so on. For more information, refer `OpenCV's adaptiveThreshold <>`_. threshold_constant : int, optional (default: -2) Constant subtracted from the mean or weighted mean. Normally, it is positive but may be zero or negative as well. For more information, refer `OpenCV's adaptiveThreshold <>`_. iterations : int, optional (default: 0) Number of times for erosion/dilation is applied. For more information, refer `OpenCV's dilate <>`_. resolution : int, optional (default: 300) Resolution used for PDF to PNG conversion. """ def __init__( self, table_regions=None, table_areas=None, process_background=False, line_scale=15, copy_text=None, shift_text=["l", "t"], split_text=False, flag_size=False, strip_text="", line_tol=2, joint_tol=2, threshold_blocksize=15, threshold_constant=-2, iterations=0, resolution=300, backend="ghostscript", **kwargs, ): self.table_regions = table_regions self.table_areas = table_areas self.process_background = process_background self.line_scale = line_scale self.copy_text = copy_text self.shift_text = shift_text self.split_text = split_text self.flag_size = flag_size self.strip_text = strip_text self.line_tol = line_tol self.joint_tol = joint_tol self.threshold_blocksize = threshold_blocksize self.threshold_constant = threshold_constant self.iterations = iterations self.resolution = resolution self.backend = Lattice._get_backend(backend) @staticmethod def _get_backend(backend): def implements_convert(): methods = [ method for method in dir(backend) if method.startswith("__") is False ] return "convert" in methods if isinstance(backend, str): if backend not in BACKENDS.keys(): raise NotImplementedError( f"Unknown backend '{backend}' specified. Please use either 'poppler' or 'ghostscript'." ) if backend == "ghostscript": warnings.warn( "'ghostscript' will be replaced by 'poppler' as the default image conversion" " backend in v0.12.0. You can try out 'poppler' with backend='poppler'.", DeprecationWarning, ) return BACKENDS[backend]() else: if not implements_convert(): raise NotImplementedError( f"'{backend}' must implement a 'convert' method" ) return backend @staticmethod def _reduce_index(t, idx, shift_text): """Reduces index of a text object if it lies within a spanning cell. Parameters ---------- table : camelot.core.Table idx : list List of tuples of the form (r_idx, c_idx, text). shift_text : list {'l', 'r', 't', 'b'} Select one or more strings from above and pass them as a list to specify where the text in a spanning cell should flow. Returns ------- indices : list List of tuples of the form (r_idx, c_idx, text) where r_idx and c_idx are new row and column indices for text. """ indices = [] for r_idx, c_idx, text in idx: for d in shift_text: if d == "l": if t.cells[r_idx][c_idx].hspan: while not t.cells[r_idx][c_idx].left: c_idx -= 1 if d == "r": if t.cells[r_idx][c_idx].hspan: while not t.cells[r_idx][c_idx].right: c_idx += 1 if d == "t": if t.cells[r_idx][c_idx].vspan: while not t.cells[r_idx][c_idx].top: r_idx -= 1 if d == "b": if t.cells[r_idx][c_idx].vspan: while not t.cells[r_idx][c_idx].bottom: r_idx += 1 indices.append((r_idx, c_idx, text)) return indices @staticmethod def _copy_spanning_text(t, copy_text=None): """Copies over text in empty spanning cells. Parameters ---------- t : camelot.core.Table copy_text : list, optional (default: None) {'h', 'v'} Select one or more strings from above and pass them as a list to specify the direction in which text should be copied over when a cell spans multiple rows or columns. Returns ------- t : camelot.core.Table """ for f in copy_text: if f == "h": for i in range(len(t.cells)): for j in range(len(t.cells[i])): if t.cells[i][j].text.strip() == "": if t.cells[i][j].hspan and not t.cells[i][j].left: t.cells[i][j].text = t.cells[i][j - 1].text elif f == "v": for i in range(len(t.cells)): for j in range(len(t.cells[i])): if t.cells[i][j].text.strip() == "": if t.cells[i][j].vspan and not t.cells[i][j].top: t.cells[i][j].text = t.cells[i - 1][j].text return t def _generate_table_bbox(self): def scale_areas(areas): scaled_areas = [] for area in areas: x1, y1, x2, y2 = area.split(",") x1 = float(x1) y1 = float(y1) x2 = float(x2) y2 = float(y2) x1, y1, x2, y2 = scale_pdf((x1, y1, x2, y2), image_scalers) scaled_areas.append((x1, y1, abs(x2 - x1), abs(y2 - y1))) return scaled_areas self.image, self.threshold = adaptive_threshold( self.imagename, process_background=self.process_background, blocksize=self.threshold_blocksize, c=self.threshold_constant, ) image_width = self.image.shape[1] image_height = self.image.shape[0] image_width_scaler = image_width / float(self.pdf_width) image_height_scaler = image_height / float(self.pdf_height) pdf_width_scaler = self.pdf_width / float(image_width) pdf_height_scaler = self.pdf_height / float(image_height) image_scalers = (image_width_scaler, image_height_scaler, self.pdf_height) pdf_scalers = (pdf_width_scaler, pdf_height_scaler, image_height) if self.table_areas is None: regions = None if self.table_regions is not None: regions = scale_areas(self.table_regions) vertical_mask, vertical_segments = find_lines( self.threshold, regions=regions, direction="vertical", line_scale=self.line_scale, iterations=self.iterations, ) horizontal_mask, horizontal_segments = find_lines( self.threshold, regions=regions, direction="horizontal", line_scale=self.line_scale, iterations=self.iterations, ) contours = find_contours(vertical_mask, horizontal_mask) table_bbox = find_joints(contours, vertical_mask, horizontal_mask) else: vertical_mask, vertical_segments = find_lines( self.threshold, direction="vertical", line_scale=self.line_scale, iterations=self.iterations, ) horizontal_mask, horizontal_segments = find_lines( self.threshold, direction="horizontal", line_scale=self.line_scale, iterations=self.iterations, ) areas = scale_areas(self.table_areas) table_bbox = find_joints(areas, vertical_mask, horizontal_mask) self.table_bbox_unscaled = copy.deepcopy(table_bbox) self.table_bbox, self.vertical_segments, self.horizontal_segments = scale_image( table_bbox, vertical_segments, horizontal_segments, pdf_scalers ) def _generate_columns_and_rows(self, table_idx, tk): # select elements which lie within table_bbox t_bbox = {} v_s, h_s = segments_in_bbox( tk, self.vertical_segments, self.horizontal_segments ) t_bbox["horizontal"] = text_in_bbox(tk, self.horizontal_text) t_bbox["vertical"] = text_in_bbox(tk, self.vertical_text) t_bbox["horizontal"].sort(key=lambda x: (-x.y0, x.x0)) t_bbox["vertical"].sort(key=lambda x: (x.x0, -x.y0)) self.t_bbox = t_bbox cols, rows = zip(*self.table_bbox[tk]) cols, rows = list(cols), list(rows) cols.extend([tk[0], tk[2]]) rows.extend([tk[1], tk[3]]) # sort horizontal and vertical segments cols = merge_close_lines(sorted(cols), line_tol=self.line_tol) rows = merge_close_lines(sorted(rows, reverse=True), line_tol=self.line_tol) # make grid using x and y coord of shortlisted rows and cols cols = [(cols[i], cols[i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(cols) - 1)] rows = [(rows[i], rows[i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(rows) - 1)] return cols, rows, v_s, h_s def _generate_table(self, table_idx, cols, rows, **kwargs): v_s = kwargs.get("v_s") h_s = kwargs.get("h_s") if v_s is None or h_s is None: raise ValueError("No segments found on {}".format(self.rootname)) table = Table(cols, rows) # set table edges to True using ver+hor lines table = table.set_edges(v_s, h_s, joint_tol=self.joint_tol) # set table border edges to True table = table.set_border() # set spanning cells to True table = table.set_span() pos_errors = [] # TODO: have a single list in place of two directional ones? # sorted on x-coordinate based on reading order i.e. LTR or RTL for direction in ["vertical", "horizontal"]: for t in self.t_bbox[direction]: indices, error = get_table_index( table, t, direction, split_text=self.split_text, flag_size=self.flag_size, strip_text=self.strip_text, ) if indices[:2] != (-1, -1): pos_errors.append(error) indices = Lattice._reduce_index( table, indices, shift_text=self.shift_text ) for r_idx, c_idx, text in indices: table.cells[r_idx][c_idx].text = text accuracy = compute_accuracy([[100, pos_errors]]) if self.copy_text is not None: table = Lattice._copy_spanning_text(table, copy_text=self.copy_text) data = table.df = pd.DataFrame(data) table.shape = table.df.shape whitespace = compute_whitespace(data) table.flavor = "lattice" table.accuracy = accuracy table.whitespace = whitespace table.order = table_idx + 1 = int(os.path.basename(self.rootname).replace("page-", "")) # for plotting _text = [] _text.extend([(t.x0, t.y0, t.x1, t.y1) for t in self.horizontal_text]) _text.extend([(t.x0, t.y0, t.x1, t.y1) for t in self.vertical_text]) table._text = _text table._image = (self.image, self.table_bbox_unscaled) table._segments = (self.vertical_segments, self.horizontal_segments) table._textedges = None return table def extract_tables(self, filename, suppress_stdout=False, layout_kwargs={}): self._generate_layout(filename, layout_kwargs) if not suppress_stdout:"Processing {}".format(os.path.basename(self.rootname))) if not self.horizontal_text: if self.images: warnings.warn( "{} is image-based, camelot only works on" " text-based pages.".format(os.path.basename(self.rootname)) ) else: warnings.warn( "No tables found on {}".format(os.path.basename(self.rootname)) ) return [] self.backend.convert(self.filename, self.imagename) self._generate_table_bbox() _tables = [] # sort tables based on y-coord for table_idx, tk in enumerate( sorted(self.table_bbox.keys(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) ): cols, rows, v_s, h_s = self._generate_columns_and_rows(table_idx, tk) table = self._generate_table(table_idx, cols, rows, v_s=v_s, h_s=h_s) table._bbox = tk _tables.append(table) return _tables